
Date tbc: Shadow in-office Work Insights Programmes in June/July

London, Wolverhampton, Edinburgh
Sign up

Reach out to Rachel@connectr.com

*Please note that this event has now taken place – please get in contact with rachel@connectr.com if you’d like to find out more, and to talk about upcoming events that might be of interest*

Alongside Aon, we’ve worked with a number of leading firms in the Financial Services sector who recognise that we need to widen and diversify the pool of young talent coming into the sector:

  👀 41% of those in financial services had parents in the same sector.

  📉 Those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds have 25% slower progression than their peers.

We’d love to welcome employers to experience Aon's programme and Discover Finance to see first-hand how our award winning Work Insights model works in action!

What to expect:

  • Hear from the Early Careers teams about the challenges and opportunities that come with setting up a work experience programme, and how to ensure it translates into apprentice ROI
  • Experience the learning content, meet the students taking part & listen to their presentations
  • Network with peers from other employers looking to start or scale their work experience offering

Empowering Futures Starts with You

Get in touch